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AQUACOSM-plus project holds 2nd General Assembly in Turkey

24th November 2021

The second general assembly of the EU HORIZON 2020 AQUACOSM-plus project was held 8-12 Nov in southern Turkey.

It was the first hybrid physical-online meeting in this project after the beginning of the global COVID-19 lockdowns.

It was an excellent opportunity to meet in person and welcome some of some of our new partners to the project. It was also the first meeting after the official end of the AQUACOSM project in August 2021.

AQUACOSM-plus will build on the heritage and success of EU FP7 MESOAQUA and H2020 AQUACOSM projects, offering many expanded services and opportunities in EU and globally.

AQUACOSM-plus will provide opportunities for collaboration in mesocosm research through its extensive Transnational Access programme. Between 2021 and 2023 AQUACOSM-plus will offer >13000 person-days of Transnational Access (TA) to more than 60 different leading and highly complementary European mesocosm facilities located at 28 AQUACOSM-plus partners throughout Europe. The AQUACOSM-plus mesocosm facilities represent a cross-section of European aquatic ecosystems ranging from Sub-Arctic to the Mediterranean, from mountains to lowlands, from freshwater to marine, and from ultra-oligotrophic to hyper-eutrophic conditions.

AQUACOSM-plus also expands on the previous projects by building the research infrastructure to include 10 new partners, activities for training early career scientists, promotion of Open Mesocosm Science, and the sharing of knowledge and technologies between academia, industry and governments.

AQUACOSM-plus will develop new technological capabilities to execute scenario-testing for Climate Change-related pressures on all aquatic ecosystems, and will enhance collaboration among the European Environmental Research Infrastructures (RIs) by engaging in multidisciplinary joint research activities.

The new, 2022 AQUACOSM-plus Transnational Access call, that will be announced in autumn 2021!


Stay tuned!!!!

Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. - Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Müggelseedamm 301 and 310
12587 Berlin, Germany