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Luftförorenings- och klimatsekretariatet

Contact: Marko Reinikainen

AirClim is a non-governmental organisation working internationally on policy-issues related to climate change and air-pollution. AirClim’s work consists of participation in policy-meetings and negotiations on legislation and treaties, monitoring of policy- measures, information work, and publications. AirClim works both independently and within larger frameworks (e.g. EEB, IMO, T&E, CAN).

Role In Project

Marko Reinikainen (m, PhD 1998) Managing Director with expertise in limnic and marine experimental ecology. Former roles as co-leader of Finnish roadmap RI- consortium (marine consortium FINMARI) and coordinator of Western Gulf of Finland LTER-site, as well as participant in AQUACOSM (as UH partner). Role in AQUACOSM- plus is within AirClim’s framework, i.e. outreach towards policy-makers and NGOs especially on climate change/acidification. Google Scholar Statistics: > 20 papers, > 900 citations, h-index 16.

Project role AQUACOSM-plus: Contributor to WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5, WP6

Luftförorenings- och klimatsekretariatet

Luftförorenings- och klimatsekretariatet

Luftförorenings- och klimatsekretariatet

Första Lànggatan 18



Website: https://www.airclim.org

Work Packages

WP1 | Consortium management

WP2 | Science and innovation strategy for society

WP3 | Science and innovation strategy for society

WP5 | Outreach activities: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation

WP6 | Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research

Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. - Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Müggelseedamm 301 and 310
12587 Berlin, Germany