*The platform is open and everyone can register now (for free) and watch all lectures.
The aim of this symposium is to exchange ideas and experiences in aquatic mesocosm research and to map future research directions in a broader context. We, therefore, welcome contributions ranging from local process studies to regional-international scales and cross-domain interactions. Mesocosms are a well-established technique filling in the gradient in approaches from strictly controlled laboratory experiments to observational studies of natural ecosystems. Mesocosm studies have yielded a critical understanding of local ecosystem-processes. However, increased coordination across geographical distances as well as domains (terrestrial, atmosphere, etc.) presents challenges and opportunities. This symposium, therefore, covers a range of aspects related to the technique itself, its use to understand the structure and function of various aquatic ecosystems, and to study their response to perturbations and hazards, both natural and anthropogenic. Networking with other related RIs and networks is also a scope of this symposium.
Talks are invited that address:
Talks are invited that address fundamental aspects of the ecosystem or its components, including:
Talks are invited on the use of mesocosms to study the effects of:
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Title: Studies across scales to understand impacts of environmental change. Speaker: Shelley Arnott, Queen’s University, Canada |
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Title: A mesocosm experiment to question foundational concepts in marine microbiology Speaker: Flora Vincent, Weizman Institute of Science, Israel |
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Title: Mesocosm research on carbon dioxide removal approaches. Speaker: Ulf Riebesell, GEOMAR, Germany |
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Title: Understanding microbial population dynamics in mesocosms. Applying simple principles to a complex system. Speaker: Frede Thingstad, University of Bergen, Norway |
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Title: Fostering the human mesocosm: lessons learned from the grassroots Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) Speaker: Kathleen Weathers, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, USA |
Abstract Submission Deadline: 28th February 2021
Authors will be notified by 14th March about the acceptance of their abstracts
Presenters: 40 euros
Presenters (students): 20 euros
Non-presenters: 10 euros.
You can claim the registration fee back via email to: symposium@aquacosm.com with subject: "SYMPOSIUM - FINANCIAL SUPPORT in which you will explain your motivation to attend the symposium”.
*The platform is open and everyone can register now (for free) and watch all lectures.
Please read our full Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct prior to attending the symposium.
For enquiries regarding abstract submission and scientific sessions, please contact the organising committee: symposium@aquacosm.eu.
Beatrix Beisner, University of Quebec, Canada
Meryem Beklioglu, METU, Turkey
Stella Berger, IGB, Germany
Lisette de Senerpont Domis, NIOO/KNAW, The Netherlands
Behzad Mostajir, CNRS-MARBEC, France
Jens Nejstgaar, IGB, Germany
Paraskevi Pitta, HCMR, Greece
Ulf Riebesell, GEOMAR, Germany
Frede Thingstad, University of Bergen, Norway
Parackevi Pitta, HCMR, Greece
Iordanis Magiopoulos, HCMR, Greece
Katerina Symiakaki, HCMR, Greece
Anastasia Tsiola, HCMR, Greece
Aristomenis Karageorgis, HCMR, Greece